Today, the UPOV Council adopted new rules for granting of observers status to its sessions. These amendments are aimed at restricting the participation of NGOs and farmer communities in UPOV meetings.
Today, the UPOV Council adopted new rules for granting of observers status to its sessions. These amendments are aimed at restricting the participation of NGOs and farmer communities in UPOV meetings.
Par Coordination Paysanne Européenne - CPE (maintenant European Coordination Via Campesina - ECVC), Development Fund, LI-Bird, Déclaration de Berne, Searice, Third World Network en Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL).
Le 21 octobre 2009, le Conseil de l'Union pour la Protection des Obtentions Végétales (UPOV) a rejeté la demande d'accréditation de l’association « Association of Plant Breeding for the Benefit of Society » (APREBES ) et ECVC (précédemment CPE).