Center for International Environmental Law


For 20 years, The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), a nonprofit organization, has been working to use international law and institutions to protect the environment, promote human health, and ensure a just and sustainable society. We provide a wide range of services including legal counsel, policy research, analysis, advocacy, education, training,and capacity building. CIEL addresses the implications of IP and seeds through advocacy, research, and advice. CIEL has filed requests for reexamination of plant patents with the US Patent and Trademark Office on behalf of the Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) and the Coalition for Amazonian Peoples and Their Environment (Amazon Coalition), initially resulting of a rejection of the patent. CIEL has been actively participating in many international fora regarding IP, genetic resources, traditional knowledge and biodiversity. CIEL has worked with NGOs and Indigenous Groups on the issues before the various WIPO and WTO committees dealing with IPRs and Seeds, as well as related issues before the FAO, the CBD and UPOV. CIEL has published a quarterly update of IPRs in various fora, including UPOV, which report on activities relating to seeds.