C. Impacts on agricultural biodiversity and plant breeding

The Wizards of Svalöf: Intellectual property Rights and Consolidation in the Plant Breeding Industry

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Comparative Study of the Nagoya Protocol, the Plant Treaty and the UPOV Convention: The Interface of Access and Benefit Sharing and Plant Variety Protection

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SDG 2.5: How Policies Affecting Trade and Markets Can Help Maintain Genetic Diversity

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Intellectual Property Rights for Agriculture in International Trade and Investment Agreements: A Plant Breeding Perspective

Derek Eaton, Niels Louwaars and Rob Tripp (2006). Agricultural and Rural Development Notes, No. 11, World Bank, Washington, DC. Intellectual Property Rights for Agriculture in International Trade and Investment Agreements

Impacts of Strengthened Intellectual Property Rights Regimes on the Plant Breeding Industry in Developing Countries: A Synthesis of Five Case Studies

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