"Restricted Area" documents from the CC98 meeting on Thu, 28 October 2021 CC/98/1 Rev2: Revised draft agenda CC/98/2: Strategic business plan CC/98/3: Reporting on UPOV PRISMA financing CC/98/4: Long-term financial issues of UPOV CC/98/5: Communication strategy CC/98/6: Training and assistance strategy CC/98/6 Add: Addendum to training and assistance strategy CC/98/7: Program for the use of the Russian language in UPOV CC/98/8: Possible use of the Chinese language in UPOV CC/98/9: Policy on translation CC/98/10: New developments in members of the union CC/98/10 Add.: Addendum to new developments in members of the union CC/98/11: Possible guidance concerning smallholde farmers in relation to private and non-commercial use CC/98/12: Developments of relevance to UPOV in other international fora CC/98/13: UPOV accountability framework CC/98/14: Extension of the appointment of the Vice Secretary-General and procedure for appointment of new Vice Secretary-Gen... CC/98/15: Outcome of the consideration of documents by correspondence CC/98/15 Add.: Addendum to the outcome of the consideration of documents by correspondence CC/98/16: Report CC/98/INF/1: List of persons registered in advance for the session CC/98/INF/2: Internal oversight and the WIPO Independent Advisory Oversight Committee (IAOC) CC/98/INF/3: Observers in UPOV bodies CC/98/INF/4: Situation concerning those states and intergov'l organizations which have initiated procedure for acceeding... CC/98/INF/5: UPOV PRISMA – Matters for information Circular E-21/063: Procedure for the UPOV Sessions in October 2021 adopted by the Council TGP/0/13 Draft 1: List of TGP documents and latest issue dates TGP/5: Section 2/4 Draft 1: Experience and cooperation in DUS testing UPOV/EXN/DEN/1 Draft 6: Explanatary notes on variety denominations under the UPOV convention UPOV/INF/16/10 Draft 2: Exchangable software UPOV/INF/17/2 Draft 6: Guidelines for DNA-Profiling: Molecular marker selection and database constructio (“BMT guidelines”) UPOV/INF/22/8 Draft 2: Software and equipment used by members of the union UPOV/INF/23/1 Draft 3: Guide to the UPOV code system UPOV/INF-EXN/15 Draft 1: List of UPOV/INF-EXN documents and latetest issue dates UPOV Circular E-21/111: Designated persons of members in the Consultative Committee UPOV Circular E-21/111: Annex